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Staff. User profile. Uploading reports. Custom version

Last update: 14.10.2024
List of employees

It is displayed by direct, functional, project managers or if our user has configured the visibility of other employees' plans. For more information, see account list.

The "Require actions" tab contains employees for whom the user has been appointed as a coordinator for the IDP with the status "Approval", and the approval stage is now underway.
All employees available to the user are placed in the "All" tab.

The employee list contains basic information about the employee and information about his individual development plan.

The table shows the following data:

– the external identifier of the employee, which is transmitted from the external system. It allows the manager or HR specialist, knowing the employee ID in the HR system, to find it in the IDP module.
: An employee's photo (if there is no photo, a blank with initials is displayed), first and last name, and a position that is transferred from an external system.
IDP status
– the current IDP status for the selected employee:"–" (without IDP),"Draft", "Approval", "Under revision", "Agreed."
IDP progress
– the progress of completing tasks in the selected employee's IDP. It represents the ratio of the number of completed tasks to the total number of tasks of the employee. It is displayed as a percentage with a progress bar. When you hover over it, the number of completed goals appears in the format: "Completed goals n/m". Where n is the number of completed goals, m is the total goals assigned to the employee.
The cost of the IDP 
is the sum of the costs of all paid courses assigned to an employee, in accordance with his formed IDP.
The date the employee was added to the IDP.

The table can display 50, 75 or 100 rows. The table supports sorting by columns "ID", "Employees", "IDP Status", "IDP Progress" and "IDP Cost". Only one of the sorts can be used at a time.


"IDP Status" allows the user to select employees with only those statuses that he wants to see: agreed, under revision, approval, draft, without a COPY.
The "Organizational structure"
allows you to select employees by specific groups.
"Show the dismissed"
  – When enabled, archived employees will be displayed in the list, in addition to the active ones.
allows you to select the YPI of the selected year. An IDP can be initiated for each employee in each year.

Viewing an employee's profile

The card displays:
Photo, first and last name of the employee current position.

– the percentage of compliance with the position, calculated taking into account the number of necessary skills;
"Learning progress"
– the progress of the IDP (as a percentage), calculated as the ratio of completed tasks to the total number of tasks;
"Cost of the development plan"
– the cost of training for the company. It is calculated as the sum of the cost of paid materials attached to the tasks of this employee.

"Development Plan"
all available IDP for the selected user are displayed, each IDP contains assigned goals

Goals are divided into two tabs:
Active – active goals (statuses "To be completed", "In progress"),
Completed – archive (statuses "Completed", "Canceled").

When creating a new goal from an employee's card, fill in the same fields as if we created it in the section "The development plan".

When creating a new goal from an employee's card, we fill in the same fields as if we created it in the "Development Plan" section.
Goal creation form (fields highlighted with * are required):
– the name of the goal;
– a detailed description of the goal, revealing the details and details of the fulfillment of the goal for the employee;
Complete before the date –
the deadline for completing the goal (by default, December 31 of the current year).There is no way to select a date earlier than the current day.
– The employee's priority level is "High", "Medium", "Low".
Skills for development
– adding skills. They can be set to the required level at the stage of implementation of the IDP.
Materials for studying
– adding materials. There may or may not be paid ones. After adding the material, you can edit the justification for the material. Clicking on the "Justify" button displays a window with an input field for why you need to study this material. If the material is paid, then adding a justification is mandatory. After adding a justification, the "Justify" button changes to "Justified".

Skills and materials are a reference book that is generated in the IDP module or downloaded from an external system. When skills are added, all materials related to these skills are automatically added.

Sending an individual development plan for approval is similar instructions.

Massive actions

Allow (if the user has such rights) to set a new IDP, coordinate the IDP, Send the IDP for revision, add a goal, upload reports.

New IDP - creating a new IDP for one or more employees

If there is no development plan, the information "The employee does not have an IDP yet" is displayed, then selecting it from the list and clicking "New IDP" - a window appears "Open a new IDP" with two buttons "Open" and "Cancel". Clicking on "Open" adds a development plan for the selected year. 

Important: The "Open a New IDP" button is available only for the Administrator and HR roles.

After the IDP is opened, it acquires the status "Draft". Next, the employee will need to coordinate the IDP.
The status is displayed next to the name of the IDP in the menu "View approval options" (at the stage of implementation of the IDP, you can set settings so that when setting the IDP, the status is immediately assigned "agreed" and not "draft")

The IDP can accept one of four statuses.
All statuses are assigned automatically when events occur in the system:
– during the initial formation of the IDP,
– after sending the user for approval,
– after the approval process is completed successfully,
"Requires revision"
– if one of the approving parties rejected the IDP and sent it for revision.
Clicking on the status displays a drop-down list. The list of possible actions depends on the status.
For the statuses "Draft" and "Requires improvement" option "Initiate negotiation" is possible.
For the selected IDP, you can view the overall progress of the passage – completed goals/total number of IDP goals.

Coordinate – mass coordination of individual employee development plans.

Several steps need to be performed: find employees using a filter or search > select rows in the table by ticking the appropriate row > click on the button in the bottom action menu that appears "Agree".

By clicking on the "Coordinate" window appears "Do you want to coordinate the selected IDP" with two buttons "Cancel" and "Agree".

By pressing the "Agree" button, the operation is confirmed. At the same time, a message appears at the bottom of the screen: «Development plans have been agreed". If the user is not, at this stage, a concordant, the action will not be performed.

For revision massive change in the status of the IDP

It is necessary to perform several steps: find employees using a filter or search; select rows in the table by ticking the corresponding row; click on the " button in the bottom action menu that appears For revision".

    By pressing the " button For revision" a modal window appears "Do you want to send the selected IDP for revision?" with two buttons "Cancel" and "For revision".

    By clicking on the "" button For revision" the IDP status for selected employees is changed. At the same time, a message appears at the bottom of the screen: "Development plans have been sent for revision." If the user is not, at this stage, a concordant, the action will not be performed.

    Add a goal – mass addition of goals to individual employee development plans

    It is necessary to perform several steps: to find employees using a filter or search; > select rows in the table by ticking the appropriate row;> 
    click on the " button in the bottom action menu that appears Add a goal."

     «Add a goal">"Add goal %d to users" with two buttons "Cancel" and "Add goals". While there are no created goals, only the "+ New goal" button is displayed on the main part of the window. The order of adding a goal is the same as for creating a target inside the IDP.

    After adding a goal, it will be displayed in the list. By pressing the "" button Add goals", the created goals are added to the individual plans of the selected employees. At the same time, a message appears at the bottom of the screen: "New goals have been created."

    If, during the mass selection of employees, at least one employee is selected whose IDP status "Agreed" – a warning will be displayed: "The IDP of users will be reset with the status "Agreed". At the same time, after adding the goal, the status "Agreed" will change to the status "Under revision."

    Uploading reports

     № 1. Report on goals

    .2 Based on materials.

    . 3 On the status of the development plan.

    You can run all 3 uploads at the same time.

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