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Adding HTML 5 material to the Learning Journey

Last update: 25.12.2023

Before adding materials, read the article:

1. Requirements for downloadable content

Go to the Materials tab. Click on the Create New + button and select HTML 5 from the drop-down menu.


Fill in the material settings.

  • Enter the name of the interactive presentation.

  • Add a cover Image 16:9.

  • Click on the Select File button and add the zip archive containing the file "index.html" from the local storage on the computer. The downloaded interactive presentation will be available in the list of materials to add to the training programs. After downloading the file, two Edit and Delete buttons appear. You can replace the file with another one or delete it by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

  • Click on the Save button to save the entered data.

The AVAILABILITY IN PROGRAMS tab displays a list of programs to which the material will be added.

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